CONFIG['phpui']['stat_freq'] ? (int) (60/$LMS->CONFIG['phpui']['stat_freq']) : 5; $fromdate = $todate - $quantum; break; case 'day': $quantum = 60*60*24; $divisor = 100; $fromdate = $todate - $quantum; break; case 'week': $quantum = 60*60*24*7; $divisor = 100; $fromdate = $todate - $quantum; break; case 'month': $quantum = 60*60*24*30; $divisor = 200; $fromdate = $todate - $quantum; break; case 'year': $quantum = 60*60*24*365; $divisor = 400; $fromdate = $todate - $quantum; break; default: $fromdate = $fromdate ? $fromdate : $todate - 60*60*24*30; $quantum = $todate - $fromdate; if($quantum < 60*60) $divisor = 10; //5; elseif($quantum < 60*60*24) $divisor = 100; elseif($quantum < 60*60*24*7) $divisor = 100; elseif($quantum < 60*60*24*30) $divisor = 200; else $divisor = 400; break; } if ($add) { $fromdate += $add; $todate += $add; } $div = 10; $qdivisor = (int) ($quantum/$divisor); if( $nodeid ) { $node = $LMS->DB->GetRow('SELECT name, INET_NTOA(ipaddr) AS ip FROM nodes WHERE id = ? AND ownerid = ?', array($nodeid, $SESSION->id)); // nothing found, maybe not logged in? if($node==FALSE) { die; } $stats = $LMS->DB->GetAll('SELECT SUM(upload) AS upload, SUM(download) AS download, CEIL(dt/?) AS dts FROM stats WHERE nodeid = ? AND dt >= ? AND dt <= ? GROUP BY CEIL(dt/?) ORDER BY dts ASC', array($qdivisor, $nodeid, $fromdate-$qdivisor, $todate+$qdivisor, $qdivisor)); } else { // nodeid not set die; } header('Content-type: image/png'); # else # { # if($net) # { # $params = $LMS->GetNetworkParams($net); # if($params) # { # $params['address']++; # $params['broadcast']--; # $net = ' AND (( ipaddr > '.$params['address'].' AND ipaddr < '.$params['broadcast'].') # OR ( ipaddr_pub > '.$params['address'].' AND ipaddr_pub < '.$params['broadcast'].')) '; # } # else # $net = ''; # } # else # $net = ''; # # $stats = $LMS->DB->GetAll('SELECT SUM(upload) AS upload, # SUM(download) AS download, dts # FROM ( # SELECT SUM(upload) AS upload, SUM(download) AS download, # CEIL(dt/?) AS dts # FROM stats ' # .($customer || $net ? 'JOIN nodes ON stats.nodeid = ' : '') # .'WHERE dt >= ? AND dt <= ? ' # .($customer ? ' AND ownerid = '.intval($customer) : '') # .$net # .'GROUP BY CEIL(dt/?), nodeid) x # GROUP BY dts ORDER BY dts', # array($qdivisor, $fromdate-$qdivisor, $todate+$qdivisor, $qdivisor)); # } $down_max = $up_max = 0; $last_up = $last_down = 0; $avg_up = $avg_down = 0; $sum_up = $sum_down = 0; $dstart = (int) ($fromdate/$qdivisor); if ($stats) foreach($stats as $idx => $row) { $i = $row['dts'] - $dstart; $vstats[$i]['download'] = $row['download']*8/($quantum/$divisor); $vstats[$i]['upload'] = $row['upload']*8/($quantum/$divisor); if($vstats[$i]['download'] > $down_max) $down_max = $vstats[$i]['download']; if($vstats[$i]['upload'] > $up_max) $up_max = $vstats[$i]['upload']; $sum_down += $row['download']*8; $sum_up += $row['upload']*8; unset($stats[$idx]); } $avg_down = $sum_down/$quantum; $avg_up = $sum_up/$quantum; $stats_max = max($down_max, $up_max); // create image $img = imagecreate($xmax, $ymax); // color palette $background = imagecolorallocate($img,240,240,240); $textcolor = imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,0); $downloadcolor = imagecolorallocate($img,255,0,0); $uploadcolor = imagecolorallocate($img,0,0,255); $blendcolor = imagecolorallocate($img,192,192,192); imagesetthickness($img, 1); // image borders imageline($img,0,0,$xmax,0,$textcolor); imageline($img,0,$ymax-1,$xmax,$ymax-1,$textcolor); imageline($img,0,0,0,$ymax,$textcolor); imageline($img,$xmax-1,0,$xmax-1,$ymax,$textcolor); $styleline = array($textcolor,IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT,IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); imagesetstyle($img, $styleline); $downx = $upx = $movx; $downy = $upy = $movy; for($x=0; $x<=$divisor; $x++) { if(isset($vstats[$x])) { $down = $vstats[$x]['download']; $up = $vstats[$x]['upload']; $download = round($graph_height*($down/$stats_max)); $upload = round($graph_height*($up/$stats_max)); } else { $down = $up = $download = $upload = 0; } $posx = ceil($x * $graph_width/$divisor); // download imageline($img,$downx,$downy,$movx+$posx,$movy-$download,$downloadcolor); // upload imageline($img,$upx,$upy,$movx+$posx,$movy-$upload,$uploadcolor); $downx = $upx = $movx+$posx; $downy = $movy-$download; $upy = $movy-$upload; $last_down = $down; $last_up = $up; } // horizontal scale for($i=0; $i<$div+1; $i++) { $posx = ceil($i * $graph_width/$div); switch($bar) { case 'week': case 'month': case 'year': $str = strftime('%d/%b', $fromdate + $i * ceil($quantum/$div)); break; case 'day': case 'hour': $str = date('H:i', $fromdate + $i * ceil($quantum/$div)); break; default: if(($quantum) > 60*60*24) $str = strftime('%d/%b', $fromdate + $i * ceil($quantum/$div)); else $str = date('H:i', $fromdate + $i * ceil($quantum/$div)); break; } imageline($img,$movx+$posx,$movy-$graph_height,$movx+$posx,$movy, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); imageline($img,$movx+$posx,$movy-1,$movx+$posx,$movy+2,$textcolor); $posx -= ceil(imagefontwidth(1) * strlen($str)/2); imagestring($img, 1, $movx+$posx+1, $movy+5, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', $str), $textcolor); } // graph outlines // vertical imageline($img,$movx,$movy,$movx,$movy-$graph_height,$textcolor); imageline($img,$movx+$graph_width,$movy,$movx+$graph_width,$movy-$graph_height,$textcolor); // horizontal // imageline($img,$movx-2,$movy+1,$movx+$graph_width+3,$movy+1,$textcolor); // imageline($img,$movx-2,10,$movx+$graph_width+3,10,$textcolor); if ($stats_max/(1000*1000) > 10) { $vdiv = 1000*1000; $suffix = 'Mbit/s'; } else if ($stats_max/1000 > 1) { $vdiv = 1000; $suffix = 'kbit/s'; } else { $vdiv = 1; $suffix = 'bit/s'; } $n=0; $stats_max = round($stats_max/$vdiv); // vertical axis labels and graph lines for($i=0; $i<=4; $i++) { $val = round((4-$i) * $stats_max/4); $str = str_pad($val.' '.$suffix, round(($movx-15)/imagefontwidth(1)), ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT); $posy = round(($i * $graph_height)/4); imageline($img,$movx-2,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$movx+2,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$textcolor); imageline($img,$movx-2+$graph_width,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$movx+2+$graph_width,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$textcolor); if ($i<4) imageline($img,$movx+4,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$movx-4+$graph_width,$movy-$graph_height+$posy, IMG_COLOR_STYLED); else imageline($img,$movx,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$movx+$graph_width,$movy-$graph_height+$posy,$textcolor); imagestring($img,1,10,$movy-$graph_height-4+$posy,$str,$textcolor); } // title if ($nodeid) { if ($node) $title = $node['name'].' - '.$node['ip']; else $title = iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('unknown')).' (ID: '.$nodeid.')'; } else $title = iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('Network Statistics')); $center = ceil((imagesx($img) - (imagefontwidth(3) * strlen($title)))/2); imagestring($img, 3, $center, 8, $title, $textcolor); // time period title $title = date('Y/m/d H:i', $fromdate).' - '.date('Y/m/d H:i', $todate); $center = ceil((imagesx($img) - (imagefontwidth(1) * strlen($title)))/2); imagestring($img, 1, $center, 23, $title, $textcolor); // summaries imagestring($img, 2, 10, $ymax-30, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('DOWNLOAD')), $downloadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 10, $ymax-18, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('UPLOAD')), $uploadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 70, $ymax-30, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('MAX:')).' '.str_pad(round($down_max/$vdiv),7,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.$suffix, $downloadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 70, $ymax-18, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('MAX:')).' '.str_pad(round($up_max/$vdiv),7,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.$suffix, $uploadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 195, $ymax-30, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('AVG:')).' '.str_pad(floor($avg_down/$vdiv),7,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.$suffix, $downloadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 195, $ymax-18, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('AVG:')).' '.str_pad(floor($avg_up/$vdiv),7,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.$suffix, $uploadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 345, $ymax-30, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('LAST:')).' '.str_pad(round($last_down/$vdiv),7,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.$suffix, $downloadcolor); imagestring($img, 2, 345, $ymax-18, iconv('UTF-8','ISO-8859-2//TRANSLIT', trans('LAST:')).' '.str_pad(round($last_up/$vdiv),7,' ',STR_PAD_LEFT).' '.$suffix, $uploadcolor); imagepng($img); imagedestroy($img); } $nodeid = isset($_GET['nodeid']) ? $_GET['nodeid'] : 0; $bar = isset($_GET['bar']) ? $_GET['bar'] : NULL; $from = isset($_GET['from']) ? $_GET['from'] : NULL; $to = isset($_GET['to']) ? $_GET['to'] : NULL; //$customer = isset($_GET['customer']) ? $_GET['customer'] : NULL; //$net = isset($_GET['net']) ? $_GET['net'] : NULL; $add = isset($_GET['add']) ? $_GET['add'] : NULL; //if(empty($_GET['popup'])) //{ TrafficGraphUserPanel($nodeid, NULL, NULL, $bar, $from, $to, $add); // die; //} //$SMARTY->assign('nodeid', $nodeid); //$SMARTY->assign('bar', $bar); //$SMARTY->assign('to', $to); //$SMARTY->assign('from', $from); //$SMARTY->assign('add', $add); //$SMARTY->assign('customer', $customer); //$SMARTY->assign('net', $net); //$SMARTY->display('trafficgraph.html'); ?>