W dniu 12.07.2019 11:24, Marcin Romanowski napisał(a):
> pt., 12 lip 2019 o 11:18 Tomasz Chiliński
> <tomasz.chilinski@chilan.com> napisał(a):
>> W dniu 12.07.2019 11:16, Marcin Romanowski napisał(a):
>>> ale PHPMailer był na 100% zainstlowany bo tylko usunąłem
>> wiodące
>>> \PHPMailer... nawet nie robiłem reloadu composera i poszło
>> Bzdura.
> Nie bzdura, bo wiem jak robiłem
Bzdurę robiłeś i dlatego miałeś problem / masz problem, który sam
Napisałem jak powinno być robione przy każdej aktualizacji (poniżej).
>> Robisz:
>> 1. Aktualizacja LMS.
> Zrobiłem
>> 2. composer update --no-dev.
> tu akurat mogłem popełnić błąd bo zrobiłem composer install
>> 3. Dopiero wtedy testujesz.
>>> a teraz composer info pokazuje
>>> alexei/sprintf.js 1.1.1
>>> ccampbell/mousetrap 1.6.2
>>> components/jquery 3.3.1 jQuery JavaScript
>> Library
>>> components/jqueryui 1.12.1 jQuery UI is a curated
>> set
>>> of user interface interactions, effects, widgets, and themes built
>> on
>>> top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. Whether you're building ...
>>> components/normalize.css 3.0.3 Normalize.css is a
>>> customisable CSS file that makes browsers render all elements more
>>> consistently and in line with modern standards.
>>> datatables/datatables 1.10.19 DataTables is a plug-in
>> for
>>> the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based
>>> upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add
>> ...
>>> doctrine/instantiator 1.0.5 A small, lightweight
>> utility
>>> to instantiate objects in PHP without invoking their constructors
>>> drmonty/datatables-responsive 2.2.1 Responsive extension for
>>> DataTables, providing support for complex tables on all device
>> screen
>>> sizes
>>> erusev/parsedown 1.7.1 Parser for Markdown.
>>> fortawesome/font-awesome 5.3.1
>>> gusapi/gusapi 3.3.2 Gus Api Library for PHP
>>> harvesthq/chosen v1.8.7 Chosen is a JavaScript
>>> plugin that makes select boxes user-friendly. It is currently
>>> available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.
>>> html2text/html2text 4.2.1 Converts HTML to
>> formatted
>>> plain text
>>> ivkremer/jquery-simple-combobox 1.1.29
>>> kriswallsmith/assetic v1.4.0 Asset Management for PHP
>>> pear/console_getopt v1.4.1 More info available on:
>>> http://pear.php.net/package/Console_Getopt
>>> pear/mail v1.4.1 Class that provides
>> multiple
>>> interfaces for sending emails.
>>> pear/pear-core-minimal v1.10.6 Minimal set of PEAR core
>>> files to be used as composer dependency
>>> pear/pear_exception v1.0.0 The PEAR Exception base
>>> class.
>>> phine/exception 1.0.0 A PHP library for
>> improving
>>> the use of exceptions.
>>> phine/observer 2.0.0 A PHP library that
>>> implements the observer pattern.
>>> phpdocumentor/reflection-common 1.0.1 Common reflection
>> classes
>>> used by phpdocumentor to reflect the code structure
>>> phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock 4.3.0 With this component, a
>>> library can provide support for annotations via DocBlocks or
>> otherwise
>>> retrieve information that is embedded in a DocBlock.
>>> phpdocumentor/type-resolver 0.4.0
>>> phpmailer/phpmailer v5.2.26 PHPMailer is a
>> full-featured
>>> email creation and transfer class for PHP
>>> phpspec/prophecy 1.8.0 Highly opinionated
>> mocking
>>> framework for PHP 5.3+
>>> phpunit/php-code-coverage 2.2.4 Library that provides
>>> collection, processing, and rendering functionality for PHP code
>>> coverage information.
>>> phpunit/php-file-iterator 1.4.5 FilterIterator
>>> implementation that filters files based on a list of suffixes.
>>> phpunit/php-text-template 1.2.1 Simple template engine.
>>> phpunit/php-timer 1.0.9 Utility class for timing
>>> phpunit/php-token-stream 1.4.12 Wrapper around PHP's
>>> tokenizer extension.
>>> phpunit/phpunit 4.8.36 The PHP Unit Testing
>>> framework.
>>> phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects 2.3.8 Mock Object library for
>>> PHPUnit
>>> robloach/component-installer 0.2.3 Allows installation of
>>> Components via Composer.
>>> rospdf/pdf-php 0.12.48 The R&OS Pdf class
>> supports
>>> the creation of PDF documents without any adiditional modules or
>>> extensions.
>>> sebastian/comparator 1.2.4 Provides the
>> functionality
>>> to compare PHP values for equality
>>> sebastian/diff 1.4.3 Diff implementation
>>> sebastian/environment 1.3.8 Provides functionality
>> to
>>> handle HHVM/PHP environments
>>> sebastian/exporter 1.2.2 Provides the
>> functionality
>>> to export PHP variables for visualization
>>> sebastian/global-state 1.1.1 Snapshotting of global
>> state
>>> sebastian/recursion-context 1.0.5 Provides functionality
>> to
>>> recursively process PHP variables
>>> sebastian/version 1.0.6 Library that helps with
>>> managing the version number of Git-hosted PHP projects
>>> setasign/fpdi 1.6.2 FPDI is a collection of
>> PHP
>>> classes facilitating developers to read pages from existing PDF
>>> documents and use them as templates in FPDF. Because it is also
>> pos...
>>> setasign/fpdi-tcpdf 1.6.1 Kind of metadata package
>> for
>>> dependencies of the latest versions of FPDI and TCPDF.
>>> smarty/smarty v3.1.33 Smarty - the compiling
>> PHP
>>> template engine
>>> spipu/html2pdf v4.6.1 HTML2PDF is a HTML to
>>> converter written in PHP5 (it uses TCPDF). OFFICIAL PACKAGE
>>> squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.3.2 PHP_CodeSniffer
>> tokenizes
>>> PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined
>> set
>>> of coding standards.
>>> symfony/polyfill-ctype v1.10.0 Symfony polyfill for
>> ctype
>>> functions
>>> symfony/process v3.4.18 Symfony Process
>> Component
>>> symfony/yaml v3.4.18 Symfony Yaml Component
>>> tecnickcom/tc-lib-barcode 1.15.4 PHP library to generate
>>> linear and bidimensional barcodes
>>> tecnickcom/tc-lib-color 1.12.12 PHP library to
>> manipulate
>>> various color representations
>>> tecnickcom/tcpdf 6.2.26 TCPDF is a PHP class for
>>> generating PDF documents and barcodes.
>>> tinymce/tinymce 4.8.5 Web based JavaScript
>>> WYSIWYG editor control.
>>> webmozart/assert 1.3.0 Assertions to validate
>>> method input/output with nice error messages.
>>> xdan/datetimepicker 2.5.20
>>> zenorocha/clipboardjs v2.0.1 Modern copy to
>> clipboard. No
>>> Flash. Just 3kb gzipped https://clipboardjs.com
>>> pt., 12 lip 2019 o 11:13 Marcin Romanowski <marcin@nicram.net>
>>> napisał(a):
>>>> pt., 12 lip 2019 o 11:10 Tomasz Chiliński
>>>> <tomasz.chilinski@chilan.com> napisał(a):
>>>>> W dniu 12.07.2019 11:05, Marcin Romanowski napisał(a):
>>>>>> new PHPMailer() zamiast new \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer()
>>>>>> rozwiązuje problem
>>>>> Co pokazywało:
>>>>> composer info
>>>>> przed tą zmianą, którą przytaczasz powyżej?
>>>> przyznam, że nie odpalałem composer info ale robiłem dump
>>>> autoload
>>>> root@lms:/var/www/lms# composer dump-autoload
>>>> Do not run Composer as root/super user! See
>>>> https://getcomposer.org/root for details
>>>> Generating autoload files
>>>>> sed -i -e 's/class HTML2PDF_myPdf extends TCPDF/class
>>>> HTML2PDF_myPdf extends LMSTCPDF/'
>>>> vendor/spipu/html2pdf/_class/myPdf.class.php
>>>>> sed -i -e
> 's/\(\s\+\)register_shutdown_function/\1\/\/register_shutdown_function/'
>>>> vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/tcpdf.php
>>>>> cp -f lib/ezpdf/fonts/arial* vendor/rospdf/pdf-php/src/fonts
>>>>> ComponentInstaller\Installer::postAutoloadDump
>>>> Compiling component files
>>>> root@lms:/var/www/lms#
>>>>>> pt., 12 lip 2019 o 10:53 Marcin Romanowski <marcin@nicram.net>
>>>>>> napisał(a):
>>>>>>> Czy ktoś ma problem z wysyłką maili z gita?
>>>>>>> FastCGI sent in stderr: "PHP message: PHP Fatal error:
>>>>> Uncaught
>>>>>>> Error: Class 'PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer' not found in
>>>>>>> /var/www/lmsgit/lib/LMS.class.php:2236
>>>>>>> composer install był robione, composer dump-autoload
>>>>> również.
>>>>>>> wyczyszczone templates_c
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Marcin Romanowski / nicraM
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Marcin Romanowski / nicraM
>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>> lms mailing list
>>>>>> lms@lists.lms.org.pl
>>>>>> http://lists.lms.org.pl/mailman/listinfo/lms
>>>>> --
>>>>> Pozdrawiam
>>>>> Tomasz Chiliński, Chilan
>>>>> opiekun projektu LMS - http://lms.org.pl
>>>>> kierownik projektu LMS Plus / LMS+ - http://lms-plus.org
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> lms mailing list
>>>>> lms@lists.lms.org.pl
>>>>> http://lists.lms.org.pl/mailman/listinfo/lms
>>>> --
>>>> Marcin Romanowski / nicraM
>>> --
>>> Marcin Romanowski / nicraM
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> lms mailing list
>>> lms@lists.lms.org.pl
>>> http://lists.lms.org.pl/mailman/listinfo/lms
>> --
>> Pozdrawiam
>> Tomasz Chiliński, Chilan
>> opiekun projektu LMS - http://lms.org.pl
>> kierownik projektu LMS Plus / LMS+ - http://lms-plus.org
>> _______________________________________________
>> lms mailing list
>> lms@lists.lms.org.pl
>> http://lists.lms.org.pl/mailman/listinfo/lms
> --
> Marcin Romanowski / nicraM
> _______________________________________________
> lms mailing list
> lms@lists.lms.org.pl
> http://lists.lms.org.pl/mailman/listinfo/lms
Tomasz Chiliński, Chilan
opiekun projektu LMS - http://lms.org.pl
kierownik projektu LMS Plus / LMS+ - http://lms-plus.org
lms mailing list