Check out if current day is the day when new payments should be calculated. If its not that day try to run this script with --fakedate option set.

18-03-2014 00:36, "Kristaps Dravnieks" <> napisał(a):
I added numbering plan Rēķins %4N document type invoice and period continuously, assigned tarrifs to customers, in liability section choose numbering plan from list. 
In lms.ini added section

comment = %tariff par periodu %period
deadline = 14

when i execute script from terminal, I get this output:
lms-payments, version 1.11-git
(C) 2001-2013 LMS Developers
Using file /etc/lms/lms.ini as config.

no errors, invoices are not created.
What I am doing wrong?

On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Kristaps Dravnieks <> wrote:
Thanks guys for great product, I have managed to install LMS with freeradius to authentificate my pppoe clients, I have managed to get lms-fping to check node status and that is great so far. I am wondering, how could I get lms to generate invoices, it is very difficult to find any documentation in english.
Also I would like some suggestions, how to get usage stats from mikrotik routers.
Note, lms is not acting as gateway, so there is no customers traffic going trough.


Ar cieņu,  
Kristaps Dravnieks
Valdes priekšēdētājs
SIA 3net
T. 25924951

Ar cieņu,  
Kristaps Dravnieks
Valdes priekšēdētājs
SIA 3net
T. 25924951

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