> Hi,
> I am trying to install the LMS.
> I would like to know if there any english version of INSTALL
> document or can some one on the list help me out as I don't know
> polish.
There's no currently INSTALL.en, but i'll try help You out.
0. What You need:
- webserver with PHP support (recommended: Apache 1.3.28 or newer)
- PHP interpreter (at least 4.2.0) with support of:
- regular expressions
- mysql or postgresql
- MySQL (3.23.53) or PostgreSQL (don't know, ALEC, can You help us?)
- perl with modules:
- POSIX, GetOpt::Long (standard perl modules)
- Net::SMTP
- Config::Inifiles
- DBD-mysql (for mysql) or DBD-pgsql (for pgsql)
1. Downloading
Stable version is 1.0.3: http://lms.rulez.pl/download/lms-1.0.3.tar.gz
Last unstable version released is 1.1.3: http://lms.rulez.pl/download/devel/lms-1.1.3.tar.gz
You can also find nightly snapshots at http://lms.rulez.pl/download/devel/snapshots/
Current CVS version is here: http://cvs.rulez.pl/viewcvs.cgi/lms/lms.tar.gz?tarball=1
Download it, untar and move `lms' directory to destination directory,
for example /var/www/htdocs/lms
You will need Smarty template engine (for stable version also ADOdb
engine is needed):
cd /path/where/you/have/lms/
cd lib
wget http://smarty.php.net/distributions/Smarty-2.5.0.tar.gz
tar -xzf Smarty-2.5.0.tar.gz
mv Smarty-2.5.0/libs Smarty
Please note, that in nightly snapshots and devel version directory
(http://lms.rulez.pl/download/devel/) You can find tarballs with
smarty included with '+libs' in filename, for example
Check that templates_c and backups directories are writeable by
2. Setting up database.
mysql -u[user with full privileges] -p
Enter password:[enter password]
mysql> create database lms;
mysql> grant usage on lms.* to lms@localhost;
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create on lms.* to lms@localhost
identified by 'password';
mysql> flush privileges;
mysql> use lms;
mysql> source doc/lms.mysql;
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/createuser -d -A -P lms
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb -E LATIN2 -U lms lms
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -d lms -U lms -f /lms/doc/lms.pgsql
3. Setting up.
Create file /etc/lms/lms.ini:
type = mysql
; or postgres if You using postgresql
host = localhost
user = lms
password = password_from_section_2
; If You are using devel, cvs or snapshot version,
; this will disable alert on welcome page with information
; about development version:
disable_devel_warning = y
Łukasz Jarosław Mozer
mailto: lukasz@rulez.pl
Yahoo! India Matrimony: Find your partner online. Post your profile.