zrobiłem dump bazy lms z poziomu phpmyadmina
Przy próbie przywrócenia mam błąd:
CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`lmsjkp`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `customersview` AS select `c`.`id` AS `id`,`c`.`lastname` AS `lastname`,`c`.`name` AS `name`,`c`.`status` AS `status`,`c`.`type` AS `type`,`c`.`email` AS `email`,`c`.`address` AS `address`,`c`.`zip` AS `zip`,`c`.`city` AS `city`,`c`.`countryid` AS `countryid`,`c`.`post_name` AS `post_name`,`c`.`post_address` AS `post_address`,`c`.`post_zip` AS `post_zip`,`c`.`post_city` AS `post_city`,`c`.`post_countryid` AS `post_countryid`,`c`.`ten` AS `ten`,`c`.`ssn` AS `ssn`,`c`.`regon` AS `regon`,`c`.`rbe` AS `rbe`,`c`.`icn` AS `icn`,`c`.`info` AS `info`,`c`.`notes` AS `notes`,`c`.`creationdate` AS `creationdate`,`c`.`moddate` AS `moddate`,`c`.`creatorid` AS `creatorid`,`c`.`modid` AS `modid`,`c`.`deleted` AS `deleted`,`c`.`message` AS `message`,`c`.`pin` AS `pin`,`c`.`cutoffstop` AS `cutoffstop`,`c`.`consentdate` AS `consentdate`,`c`.`einvoice` AS `einvoice`,`c`.`invoicenotice` AS `invoicenotice`,`c`.`mailingnotic[...]
MySQL zwrócił komunikat: Dokumentacja #1305 - FUNCTION lmsjkp.lms_current_user does not exist
Po zalogowaniu do GUI wywala że Błąd: FUNCTION lmsjkp.lms_current_user does not exist
Jak to ominąć?
Czytałem trochę o tym problemie ale jasnego sposobu jak to naprawić nie znalazłem.