To jeszcze jaka wersje LMS posiadasz Jesli chodzi o curla zeby mogl pobrac po https fakturke trzeba jeszcze dodac jedna rzecz (to juz jest w GIT) To byly commity https://github.com/lmsgit/lms/commit/405e99115c9276838f45a939b9b63e00217a6a5... https://github.com/lmsgit/lms/commit/3cd4e521368bd257b368cbc8641e92ac0898465... https://github.com/lmsgit/lms/commit/4616970f17ee075fa5227186ca7955e7147b093... Z tego tzreciego commita trzeba dodac +use Net::SSLeay; + +# set CA.cert file for self signed certification - fix problems with new version IO::Socket::SSL
+BEGIN { + IO::Socket::SSL::set_ctx_defaults( + verify_mode => Net::SSLeay->VERIFY_PEER(), + ca_file => "/etc/ssl/certs/ca.cert" + ); +}
U mnie to dziala i skrypt z gita tez powinien dzialac