Dołączam się z pytaniem mam to samo: lms1.10.3 userpanel 1.3cvs
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co to za bledy jak sie tego pozbyc
Zapytanie: SELECT customerid AS id, lastlogindate, lastloginip, failedlogindate, failedloginip, enabled FROM up_customers WHERE customerid='7' Błąd: Table 'lms.up_customers' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT customerid AS id, lastlogindate, lastloginip, failedlogindate, failedloginip, enabled FROM up_customers WHERE customerid='7' Błąd: Table 'lms.up_customers' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT customerid AS id, lastlogindate, lastloginip, failedlogindate, failedloginip, enabled FROM up_customers WHERE customerid='7' Błąd: Table 'lms.up_customers' doesn't exist Zapytanie: INSERT INTO up_customers(customerid, lastlogindate, lastloginip, failedlogindate, failedloginip, enabled) VALUES ('7', 1207173116, '', 0, '', 3) Błąd: Table 'lms.up_customers' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT name, module FROM up_rights LEFT JOIN up_rights_assignments ON up_rights.id=up_rights_assignments.rightid WHERE customerid='7' Błąd: Table 'lms.up_rights' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT name, module FROM up_rights WHERE setdefault=1 Błąd: Table 'lms.up_rights' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT id FROM up_help WHERE reference = 0 Błąd: Table 'lms.up_help' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT title,body,reference,id FROM up_help WHERE id = NULL Błąd: Table 'lms.up_help' doesn't exist Zapytanie: SELECT id,title FROM up_help WHERE reference = NULL Błąd: Table 'lms.up_help' doesn't exist