W dniu 4 grudnia 2011 11:53 użytkownik Sławomir Paszkiewicz < paszczus@gmail.com> napisał:
W dniu 4 grudnia 2011 11:46 użytkownik Tomasz Chiliński < tomasz.chilinski@chilan.com> napisał:
On 04.12.2011 11:40, Sławomir Paszkiewicz wrote:
W dniu 4 grudnia 2011 09:03 użytkownik A.L.E.C napisał:
On 2011-12-03 14:54, Jan Łukasz Ciećko wrote:
nie wiem co jest ale jesli pobieram http://cvs.lms.org.pl/viewvc/**Development/userpanel/?view=**tarhttp://cvs.lms.org.pl/viewvc/Development/userpanel/?view=tar[1]
to pobierane pliki sa stare natomiast jesli pobiere je przez cvs
zeczywiscie to dziala
Ta gałąź zawiera stary kod Userpanela. Od dawna Userpanel jest włączony do LMSa, więc trzeba go pobierać razem z LMSem.
-- Aleksander A.L.E.C Machniak LAN Management System Developer [http://lms.org.pl [2]] Roundcube Webmail Developer [http://roundcube.net [3]] ------------------------------**--------------------- PGP: 19359DC1 @@ GG: 2275252 [4] @@ WWW: http://alec.pl [5]
Ja sie podlaczone pod temat. Wlasnie zrobilem upgrade do wersji z CVS (przeskok z 1.11.13) i po w
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception SmartyCompilerException with message Syntax Error in template "/usr/share/lms/www/cvs/lms/**templates/login.html" on line 10 "<title>::: {t}Welcome to LMS{/t} {$layout.lmsv} :::</title>" unknown tag "t" in
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** templatecompilerbase.php:**617nStack trace:n#0
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** templatecompilerbase.php(402): Smarty_Internal_**TemplateCompilerBase->trigger_**template_error(unknown tag "t", 10)n#1
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** templateparser.php(2371): Smarty_Internal_**TemplateCompilerBase->**compileTag(t, Array)n#2
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** templateparser.php(3064): Smarty_Internal_**Templateparser->yy_r36()n#3
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** templateparser.php(3164): Smarty_Internal_**Templateparser->yy_reduce(36)**n#4
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** smartytemplatecompiler.php(**105): Smarty_Internal_**Templateparser->doParse(10, Welcome in
/usr/share/php/Smarty3/**sysplugins/smarty_internal_** templatecompilerbase.php on line 617
Smarty 3.1.5
templates_c wyczyscilem.
O czym zapomnialem?
Albo o skopiowaniu plików Smarty z LMS-a do lokalizacji Smarty, albo skopiowaniu plików Smarty do lokalizacji Smarty z LMS.
-- Pozdrawiam Tomasz Chiliński, Chilan
True. Skopiowalem plugins z LMS do Smarty i poszlo. Dzieki!
Za to kolejny problem, jak wchodze w Klienci>Lista to dostaje:
Wystąpiły błędy w obsłudze bazy danych! *Zapytanie:* SELECT c.id AS id, CONCAT(UPPER(lastname), ' ', c.name) AS customername, status, address, zip, city, countryid, countries.name AS country, email, ten, ssn, c.info AS info, message, c.divisionid, c.paytime AS paytime, COALESCE(b.value, 0) AS balance, COALESCE(t.value, 0) AS tariffvalue, s.account, s.warncount, s.online, (CASE WHEN s.account = s.acsum THEN 1 WHEN s.acsum > 0 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END) AS nodeac, (CASE WHEN s.warncount = s.warnsum THEN 1 WHEN s.warnsum > 0 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END) AS nodewarn FROM customersview c LEFT JOIN countries ON (c.countryid = countries.id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(value) AS value, customerid FROM cash GROUP BY customerid ) b ON (b.customerid = c.id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT a.customerid, SUM((CASE a.suspended WHEN 0 THEN (((100 - pdiscount) * (CASE WHEN t.value IS NULL THEN l.value ELSE t.value END) / 100) - vdiscount) ELSE ((((100 - pdiscount) * (CASE WHEN t.value IS NULL THEN l.value ELSE t.value END) / 100) - vdiscount) * 0 / 100) END) * (CASE t.period WHEN 3 THEN 1 WHEN 5 THEN 1/12.0 WHEN 7 THEN 1/6.0 WHEN 4 THEN 1/3.0 ELSE (CASE a.period WHEN 3 THEN 1 WHEN 5 THEN 1/12.0 WHEN 7 THEN 1/6.0 WHEN 4 THEN 1/3.0 ELSE 0 END) END) ) AS value FROM assignments a LEFT JOIN tariffs t ON (t.id = a.tariffid) LEFT JOIN liabilities l ON (l.id = a.liabilityid AND a.period != 0) WHERE (a.datefrom <= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR a.datefrom = 0) AND (a.dateto > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() OR a.dateto = 0) GROUP BY a.customerid ) t ON (t.customerid = c.id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT ownerid, SUM(access) AS acsum, COUNT(access) AS account, SUM(warning) AS warnsum, COUNT(warning) AS warncount, (CASE WHEN MAX(lastonline) > UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 600 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS online FROM nodes WHERE ownerid > 0 GROUP BY ownerid ) s ON (s.ownerid = c.id) WHERE c.deleted = 0 ORDER BY customername asc *Błąd:* Unknown column 'pdiscount' in 'field list'