Próbuję zrobić upgrade LMS z DB: 2015121100 do wersji aktualnej i sypie błędami sql. mysql: 5.5.47-0+deb7u1-log
po tym upgrade brak komputerow, w kliencie: rozjechane adresy (siedziba, korespondencja, lokalizacyjny) w urzadzeniach pomimo adresacji teryt w edycji nie uzupelnia sie wojewodztwo
wiem ze wersja wiekowa ale w zasadzie powinno sie wykonac od najstarszej ;)
DB:2017013100 Zapytanie: INSERT INTO customer_addresses (customer_id, address_id, type) VALUES ('319','1116',3) Błąd: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`lmstest`.`customer_addresses`, CONSTRAINT `customer_addresses_customer_id_fk` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customers` (`id`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)
DB:2017013101 Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, ( trim(both ' ' from CASE WHEN a.city is not null AND char_length(city) > 0 THEN CASE WHEN a.street is not null AND char_length(street) > 0 THEN a.city || ', ' || a.street ELSE a.street END ELSE CASE WHEN a.street is not null AND char_length(street) > 0 THEN a.street ELSE '' END END || CASE WHEN a.house is not null THEN CASE WHEN a.flat is not null THEN ' ' || a.house || '/' || a.flat ELSE ' ' || a.house END ELSE CASE WHEN a.flat is not null THEN ' ' || a.flat ELSE '' END END )) AS location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON (n.id = m.nodeid) LEFT JOIN addresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0; Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017022200 Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, ( trim(both ' ' from CONCAT( CASE WHEN a.city is not null AND char_length(city) > 0 THEN CASE WHEN a.street is not null AND char_length(street) > 0 THEN CONCAT(a.city, ', ', a.street) ELSE a.street END ELSE CASE WHEN a.street is not null AND char_length(street) > 0 THEN a.street ELSE '' END END, CASE WHEN a.house is not null THEN CASE WHEN a.flat is not null THEN CONCAT(' ', a.house, '/', a.flat) ELSE CONCAT(' ', a.house) END ELSE CASE WHEN a.flat is not null THEN CONCAT(' ', a.flat) ELSE '' END END) )) AS location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON (n.id = m.nodeid) LEFT JOIN addresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0; Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017030800 Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, a.location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON (n.id = m.nodeid) LEFT JOIN vaddresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0; Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017031000 Zapytanie: ALTER TABLE events ADD CONSTRAINT 'event_ticketid_rttickets_id_fk' FOREIGN KEY (ticketid) REFERENCES rttickets (id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE Błąd: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''event_ticketid_rttickets_id_fk' FOREIGN KEY (ticketid) REFERENCES rttickets (id' at line 1
DB:2017031400 Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, a.location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON (n.id = m.nodeid) LEFT JOIN vaddresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0; Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017031500 Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, a.location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON (n.id = m.nodeid) LEFT JOIN vaddresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0; Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017031600 Zapytanie: DROP VIEW customerview, contractorview, customeraddressview, vmacs, vnetworks, vnodes, vaddresses Błąd: Unknown table 'vnodes' Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, a.location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON m.nodeid = n.id LEFT JOIN vaddresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0 Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017032000 Zapytanie: DROP VIEW customerview, contractorview, customeraddressview, vmacs, vnetworks, vnodes, vaddresses, vdivisions Błąd: Unknown table 'vnodes' Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, a.location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON m.nodeid = n.id LEFT JOIN vaddresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0 Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
DB:2017041800(finalna) Zapytanie: DROP VIEW customerview, contractorview, customeraddressview, vmacs, vnetworks, vnodes, vdivisions, vaddresses Błąd: Unknown table 'vnodes' Zapytanie: CREATE VIEW vnodes AS SELECT n.*, m.mac, a.city_id as location_city, a.street_id as location_street, a.house as location_house, a.flat as location_flat, a.location FROM nodes n LEFT JOIN vnodes_mac m ON m.nodeid = n.id LEFT JOIN vaddresses a ON n.address_id = a.id WHERE n.ipaddr <> 0 OR n.ipaddr_pub <> 0 Błąd: View 'lmstest.vnodes_mac' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them