W dniu 03.08.2016 11:32, Łukasz Kopiszka napisał(a):
Zestaw: HAProxy + apache (z SSL) + keepalived
Problem: Mxed Content: The page at 'https://<lms>/?m=netdevedit&id=1' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://<lms>/index.php?m=netdevedit&id=1'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Konsola raportuje: xajax_core.js:395Mixed Content: The page at 'https://<lms>/?m=netdevedit&id=1' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint 'http://<lms>/index.php?m=netdevedit&id=1'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.xajax._internalSend @ xajax_core.js:395xajax.submitRequest @ xajax_core.js:394xajax.request @ xajax_core.js:379xajax_ONU_Voip_Phone_Xj @ ?m=netdevedit&id=1:704customerlist_change @ ?m=netdevedit&id=1:1494(anonymous function) @ ?m=netdevedit&id=1:1519 xajax_core.js:395XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://<lms>/index.php?m=netdevedit&id=1. Failed to start loading.xajax._internalSend @ xajax_core.js:395xajax.submitRequest @ xajax_core.js:394xajax.request @ xajax_core.js:379xajax_ONU_Voip_Phone_Xj @ ?m=netdevedit&id=1:704customerlist_change @ ?m=netdevedit&id=1:1494(anonymous function) @ ?m=netdevedit&id=1:1519
Zawartość https://<lms>/?m=netdevedit&id=1:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="UTF-8"> /* <![CDATA[ */ try { if (undefined == xajax.config) xajax.config = {}; } catch (e) { xajax = {}; xajax.config = {}; }; xajax.config.requestURI = "http://<lms>/index.php?m=netdevedit&id=1"; xajax.config.statusMessages = false; xajax.config.waitCursor = true; xajax.config.version = "xajax 0.5"; xajax.config.legacy = false; xajax.config.defaultMode = "asynchronous"; xajax.config.defaultMethod = "POST"; /* ]]> */ </script>
Prawdopodobny winowajca: https://github.com/lmsgit/lms/blob/master/img/xajax_js/xajax_core_uncompress...
A dlaczego Twoim zdaniem to jest winowajca? Ten wiersz ustawia domyślny Request URI dla xajax-a na ten zgodny z URL-em wołanego dokumentu LMS, więc jak było wołanie przez https to i xajax woła przez https.