I added numbering plan Rēķins %4N document type invoice and period continuously, assigned tarrifs to customers, in liability section choose numbering plan from list. In lms.ini added section
[payments] comment = %tariff par periodu %period deadline = 14
when i execute script from terminal, I get this output: /var/www/bin/lms-payments lms-payments, version 1.11-git (C) 2001-2013 LMS Developers Using file /etc/lms/lms.ini as config.
no errors, invoices are not created. What I am doing wrong? Thanks!
On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:07 AM, Kristaps Dravnieks kristaps@3net.lvwrote:
Hello! Thanks guys for great product, I have managed to install LMS with freeradius to authentificate my pppoe clients, I have managed to get lms-fping to check node status and that is great so far. I am wondering, how could I get lms to generate invoices, it is very difficult to find any documentation in english. Also I would like some suggestions, how to get usage stats from mikrotik routers. Note, lms is not acting as gateway, so there is no customers traffic going trough.
-- Ar cieņu, Kristaps Dravnieks Valdes priekšēdētājs SIA 3net T. 25924951 www.3net.lv