Wystąpiły błędy w obsłudze bazy danych! Zapytanie: ALTER TABLE tariffs ADD COLUMN voip_tariff_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE tariffs ADD COLUMN voip_tariff_rule_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL; ALTER TABLE voip_prefixes DROP INDEX prefix; ALTER TABLE voip_prefixes ADD UNIQUE (prefix, groupid); CREATE TABLE voip_price_groups ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, voip_tariff_id int(11) NOT NULL, prefix_group_id int(11) NOT NULL, price decimal(12,5) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, unitsize smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO voip_price_groups (voip_tariff_id, prefix_group_id, price, unitsize) SELECT tariffid, groupid, price, unitsize FROM voip_tariffs; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS voip_tariffs; CREATE TABLE voip_tariffs ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(100) NOT NULL, description text NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO voip_tariffs (id, name) SELECT DISTINCT voip_tariff_id, 'default_name' FROM voip_price_groups; ALTER TABLE voip_price_groups ADD CONSTRAINT price_tariffid FOREIGN KEY (voip_tariff_id) REFERENCES voip_tariffs (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE voip_price_groups ADD CONSTRAINT group_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (prefix_group_id) REFERENCES voip_prefix_groups (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE tariffs ADD CONSTRAINT tariff_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (voip_tariff_id) REFERENCES voip_tariffs (id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE; ALTER TABLE tariffs ADD CONSTRAINT tariff_rule_id_fk FOREIGN KEY (voip_tariff_rule_id) REFERENCES voip_rules (id) ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE CASCADE Błąd: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ALTER TABLE tariffs ADD COLUMN voip_tariff_rule_id int(11) DEFAULT NULL; ' at line 2 Zapytanie: CREATE TABLE voip_rule_states ( id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, voip_account_id int(11) NOT NULL REFERENCES voipaccounts (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, rule_id int(11) NOT NULL REFERENCES voip_group_rule_assignments (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE, units_left int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id), UNIQUE(voip_account_id, rule_id) ); UPDATE dbinfo SET keyvalue = '2016080500' WHERE keytype = 'dbversion' Błąd: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'UPDATE dbinfo SET keyvalue = '2016080500' WHERE keytype = 'dbversion'' at line 12
Pomaga SET foreign_key_checks = 0; jednak to chyba nie tak powinna przebiegać aktualizacja.