A.L.E.C pisze:
lmsd nie czyta lms.ini, lmsd --help
plik uruchomieniowy lmsd "/etc/init.d/lmsd", w ktorym dane dostepu do bazy sa poprawne... czy cos jeszcze powinienem zdefiniowac?
---8<---------------- #!/sbin/runscript # Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
LMSD="/var/www/webapp/lms/bin/lmsd -h localhost -H edo -d lms -u lms -p passwd"
# comment these lines if you want to use defaults export LMSDBHOST=localhost #export LMSDBPORT=5432 # PostgreSQL export LMSDBPASS=passwd export LMSDBNAME=lms export LMSDBUSER=lms
depend() { after net }
start() { ebegin "Starting LMS daemon" $LMSD eend $? "Failed to start local" }
stop() { ebegin "Stopping LMS daemon" killall lmsd eend $? "Failed to stop local" }
# vim:ts=4 ---8<----------------