Znalazlem w kodzie cos takiego:
{if $userinfo.id} {if $nodeinfo.access} {$userinfo.message} <br/><br/> <a
href="index.php?readed=1&oldurl={$layout.oldurl}">{t}Click here to mark this message as readed.{/t}</a> {else} {t}Access to network on this computer is locked.{/t}<br/><br/> {$userinfo.message} {/if} {else} {t}Access to network on this computer is locked. Possible causes: unknown network device or unknown computer.{/t}<br/><br/> {t}Please contact with our Customer Service.{/t}
Dziwne jest to, ze niewazne jaki komp ktory jest w bazie ma ustawiona flage warn, to trafia do:
{else} {t}Access to network on this computer is locked. Possible causes: unknown network device or unknown computer.{/t}<br/><br/> {t}Please contact with our Customer Service.{/t}
Dlaczego?;-) Pozdrawiam.
A jak w index.php wpiszesz: $SMARTY->assign(adresik, $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]); i w mssege.html przed ifami dasz {$adresik} to co Ci wsywietla jako ip usera? -- Sarenka "Do not treat your live too serious. You wont survive it!"
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