Re: prosze o mala podpowiedz
Hello Łukasz,
po zainstalowaniu php4-extensions mam jzu instalniety tez php4-pcre londo# pkg_info |grep php mod_php4-4.3.9,1 PHP Apache Module php4-bz2-4.3.9 The bz2 shared extension for php php4-ctype-4.3.9 The ctype shared extension for php php4-dbase-4.3.9 The dbase shared extension for php php4-extensions-1.0 A "meta-port" to install PHP extensions php4-ftp-4.3.9 The ftp shared extension for php php4-gd-4.3.9 The gd shared extension for php php4-imap-4.3.9 The imap shared extension for php php4-mysql-4.3.9 The mysql shared extension for php php4-ncurses-4.3.9 The ncurses shared extension for php php4-overload-4.3.9 The overload shared extension for php php4-pcre-4.3.9 The pcre shared extension for php php4-posix-4.3.9 The posix shared extension for php php4-readline-4.3.9 The readline shared extension for php php4-session-4.3.9 The session shared extension for php php4-snmp-4.3.9 The snmp shared extension for php php4-tokenizer-4.3.9 The tokenizer shared extension for php php4-xml-4.3.9 The xml shared extension for php php4-zlib-4.3.9 The zlib shared extension for php
niestety nadal mam ten sam komunikat :( gdy chce odpalic lms w przegladarce
ŁW> cd /usr/ports/devel/php4-pcre ŁW> make install clean;
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